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Announcement : Tinkerbellsan is going on Hiatus

Firstly, thank you everyone for the continuous support since the start of this blog which was created for the purpose of sharing translated C-Novel to all those who love reading C-Novels but unfortunately was not able to read them in the original language (mandarin).

It is very unfortunately that we have also discovered our translation work being ‘stolen’ without any prior notice / approval and make available on another website for the purpose of making money.

Honestly, we are not affected with them sharing the novel as we believe that sharing is caring. However, it is the fact that they did not gain our approval and am using them as a venue to make money is what upsets us. That is totally not acceptable. We believe that if it is an opportunity to make money, it should be extended to the original author and not even us.

We have been approached by some people before offering for our translation to be made available on their site however, we have turned them down only because we are doing this for the fun of doing it. And of course to share with those who readers out there.

This news may not even come as a shocking one to most of you out there since some of the other translators (I am sure most readers here are also following some of the other translators that we are following) have either announce their intention about going hiatus or totally gone hiatus (could be purely because they are very busy or for the same reason). And yes, both tinkerbellsan and mhryu have decided to go on hiatus as well on their translations.

Rest be assured, because Caught in my Own Trap (作茧自缚) is nearing the ending, I will continue to work on the translation and completing it soon. After all, for those loyal readers out there whom have been following Caught in my Own Trap (作茧自缚) since the beginning, we would want to get to the end and read about the happy ending of Zheng Xie and Xiao He He, right? So that is 1 project that I do not wish to end now!

Boss’s Blind Date Notes (Boss相亲笔记)Finding Glowing Beauty in Books (书中自有颜如玉) will go on hiatus for a while. tinkerbellsan and mhryu will however, continue to share dramas and books review from time to time (where time permits).

Once again, thank you everyone for the wonderful support over the past months. And for those whom are following Caught in my Own Trap (作茧自缚), enjoy the balance of the chapters. And for those whom are following Boss’s Blind Date Notes (Boss相亲笔记)Finding Glowing Beauty in Books (书中自有颜如玉), we hope to return soon once we figure out how to stop these ‘online translators thieves’.

Adios for now! 


I love travelling and exploring the world, see things from the lense of my camera.... this is my space in sharing the many exciting places that I have visited as well as some of the wonderful gastronomy experience. I also loved baking while exploring new recipes. From time to time, I will also be sharing unique dishes that I cook for my family as well as sharing some of my baking experience / recipes.

50 thoughts on “Announcement : Tinkerbellsan is going on Hiatus

  1. Ah, I am so sorry to hear this! Another blog that I follow went through this yesterday. I agree that any money should go to the original author. These thieves are outrageous! I work in film where piracy and theft are problems. Yesterday our company attorney told me the steps Azurro needs to take to have her work removed from the other site. Our copyright security team told me which apps she needs to apply to prevent the blog being copied. Trung uses this software, too. You can’t paste links, right click or copy at all with this software that is available through WordPress. To steal, they would have to re-type every word. I can forward the email to you if you like. That site claims its content is their work or with agreement with others, so it is easy to have your work deleted from their page under DCMA laws. You work so hard and your posts make my day so I don’t want you guys to be discouraged. If I can help, please let me know. Sorry that these people have stolen your hard work. We’re with you. Fighting!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Jocelyn, thank you so much for the words of encouragement and support. And of course the advice on what to do. Yes, tinkerbellsan is currently working on getting the apps and until then, we will just take a break aka hiatus on the other projects.
      Totally agree with you about these piracy. I really hate them. That is why I rather buy original dramas, music or movies as it is the only way we can reward them on their hardwork. It is never easy to product an album or the productions of a drama. But unfortunately, the world we are staying today thinks of very ‘creative’ ways to steal people’s hardwork for their own gain.
      Rest be assured, we will be back!


  2. so they’ve done the same thing to your blog? really sad, like there’s noting can stop them, it is fine if it were things that benefit for others, but stealing, seriously?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, exactly. Thanks to azurro who shared the information to us and tinkerbellsan investigating it, sadly, a new translation blog like us have also been a victim. Really outrageous…. If they are only sharing and not making profit, I guess I would not have been so discourage. It is the fact that they are using others for their personal gain and that is totally ‘selfish’. Wished there is a way to bring them to court and sue them… and the money received given to the original authors of these wonderful novels that we are enjoying.


      1. yeah,, i even saw azzuro false chapter being posted there when i tried to googled it, even without clicking. i saw it, all the translator hard work

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes i totally understand since all my translation has been stolen as well. Even my summaries, so shocking as we as translators spent hours and hours on them! Luckily for me I’m already on hiatus and completed all my projects

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We missed your translation work sutekii. And the conversations that we have…. Let’s hope that there is a way to deal with them soon. Cyber law…. hahahaha…. sue them till they goes bankrupt. I used to have a saying in chinese that I can translate here now: ‘Consider their earnings as contribution to their coffin money’. And personally, I hope they read these comments and how we feel about them….


      1. Wattpad is unlikely to be stolen? Really? I will get tinkerbellsan to go and check that one since she has more time on hand 😛 although she most probably would stop talking to me when she read this post… hahaha…. we must catch up soon sutekii even if it is email 🙂


  4. really??? it has upset me and i am only a reader, i can’t imagine how upset you are.

    it is so sad to hear that most of the translator’s works i read on wordpress being stolen by shameless people.
    if you all stop translating, then it is really a great loss for us who doesn’t read and understand chinese.

    i will miss you ah… (ಥ_ಥ)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Don’t worry pili. Once we resolve how to overcome the issue of being stolen, we will be back. I always believe that sharing is caring so we will definitely share what we translate for our own reading 😉


      1. well… it’s a great relief to hear that…

        I know I being shameless and greedy, but please come back as soon as possible. i can’t depend on google translate forever.

        and thank you for all your great work, i will wait (but not) patiently, hehehe

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh dear…another wonderful blog on hiatus, what a shame.
    Really hope that someone will be able to offer solution soon..
    Hang in there…and good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh no 😨 actually I was waiting for the updates of Finding glowing beauty in Books… It’s so sad to hear my dearest translators’ work being stolen😭 why would they do so.. stealing other hard works 😡… Hope you will find the best solution and come back soon! hwaiting💪

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So many of the translations I follow have had this happen to them 😦 Hopefully you can find a good solution soon. But if you move to another platform let us know so I can still follow you!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Tsk! 😐😑😣 I’m a busy single parent. Reading yours and other wonderfully English translated Chinese novels is my only source of de-stessing 😖😞😟

    Why can those thieves be shameless? How can they become beggars politicians, why can’t they play it Fair? 😤

    Pls stop cyber Thieving!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I’m so sorry to hear this! I’m one of your silent readers for so long and it breaks my heart for this to happen!!!! Do what you feel best coz I know you are truly affected as all your hard work comes to naught with people stealing for money. Good luck and I hope there is a great solution ahead! I love your work and thank you so much!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This is really upsetting, the first thing I have after work is to check your blog for an update and you never disappoint us! What I am going to do now hu hu hu, can I drop my email to you in box too please??

    Liked by 2 people

    1. By the way, are we expecting any update of “Caught in my own trap” today? I know I am too greedy but it’s been a routine in my busy life to enjoy your daily update. I am always grateful for your quality and beautiful translations❤️❤️

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi May, yes as I have mentioned in the post, ‘Caught in my own trap’ will continue with its daily post till the end of the novel. We will only put the other 2 new translations projects that we have started recently on hold until further notice. We will however continue with occasional post sharing our feedback on dramas that we have watched or novels that we have read.


    1. Hi JV, thank you for your support. Yes, we hope to be able to get down to it soon. Unfortunately, I have checked briefly, and it seems like there are not much we could do apart from petition to bring down the site.


  11. Dear ladies

    I am saddened by the waves of news that more translators are going on hiatus thanks to the thieves.


    I have dropped you a line.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hi….guys….sorry to hear this..It was a wonderful experience for me to read all these stories, which is out of reach for us, who doesnt know the language.
    What u guys are doing, is expanding the horizon of your language, and sharing it to the rest of world!
    I truly appreciate your hardwork and dedication.
    It sad to hear about piracy and stealing. I pray you return with a BANG!!! after taking sufficient care.

    All the best! and WE are WITH YOU!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Nope my dear. We did not find the solution to the copying. We decided that since we are doing this for fun and never for any monetary gain, we will continue doing it. We will continue as long as our time permits us. As you have noticed, over the past year, we have been posting on a fix schedule alternating between novels. What has happen is we have become extremely busy in our daily life so we have not even been online anywhere else to see what is happening in the translation world.


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